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Latest News

Children's Ward Support
9th May we delivered over £250 worth of toiletries, alongside the items in the TikTok we also popped up the following day with baby items...

Ward 21b Delivery
All of these items & some knickers were donated to Ward 21b at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust on the 9th May. We...

MK City U15 Tigers Eye
A huge big thank you to Milton Keynes City FC’s U16 Tiger Eye Girls team for having us on their training tops as the sponsor. A dad...

Speedy Speechies - Thank you
Thank you sooo much to the “Speedy Speechies” who took part in the marathon relay over the May bank holiday for both us & another local...

Lets Bowl...
On Sunday 30th April we went Bowling and it was soooo much fun!! Look at these smiles We support any child or young adult with a life...

Big Thank you BIG Yellow Storage
Thank you to Big Yellow Storage who have agreed to continue to support us with free storage space for us which is simply incredible & so...

April's Neonatal Box Drop
In April we dropped off 80 Neonatal Boxes to Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust A mixture of sizes ranging from Mirco...

Mini Pack Feedback
"Hiya, Thanks so much for our pack and sorry for the delay in replying with feedback. Our Emily spent 82 days in NICU as she was born at...

Thank you Starbucks
Thank you to Starbucks Drive Thru for raising us an incredible £309.89 through an Easter Raffle & collection pot! You guys are amazing &...

Noisy Farm
On 19th May our home school group visited Westcroft Library… we read Noisy Farm! I can confirm the book turned the library into a noisy...

Adventure Golf
2nd May Darcy & Katie joined Benjamin & his mum for a spot of golf at the new Volcano Falls - Xscape MK. The new indoor golf venue was so...

Easter Egg Hunt & 11th Birthday
What better way to celebrate our 11th Birthday than with our most successful Easter Egg Hunt ever! Over 400 children joined us to...

Easter Raffle
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Easter Raffle - we raised over £600 which is amazing! Winners were - 3rd Prize- Wendy Adams...

Tesco Blue Tokens
We are proud to be one of three charities in this quarters Blue Token scheme at Tesco. Shoppers can vote by placing a blue token into...

LLHM SuperStars
These 12 awesome people have raised us an incredible £6748 By running the London Landmarks Half Marathon on 2nd April 2023! Thank you so...

Chiki Home School Group Visit
28th March, we headed to Chiki to create some masterpieces...

Caleb's Mini Pack
When I saw the poster about Emily’s star up in the parents room at the hospital I knew I had to check it out. What a wonderful and kind...

EGGScellent Donation
Frank at M&M supplies is quite simply a walking legend He’s donated ALL of these Easter eggs to us for our event & even better had...

March's Donations to MKUH
In March we donated; Butterfly bags & new towels for the butterfly suite. Toiletries, knickers & maternity bras to Ward 21b Premature...

New Mini Pack Coordinator
Emily’s Star are pleased to announce our new volunteer mini pack coordinator. Now Alana has had a couple of weeks to settle in it feels...

Parents Meal
9th February we held our first parents only evening of 2023… It was a great evening with lots of laughter all while enjoying a curry! We...

EastEnders Raising Awareness
Finally…. Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy18) being spoken about on national television!! Let’s hope they play this out using the correct...

Mini Pack Feedback
"I wanted provide some feedback as the mini pack was just lovely when we were in the neonatal unit. I ordered a bag as my little girl was...

Mini Pack Make up session
Thank you to Lucy & Carmel who used their companies volunteering day yesterday to spend the day with us. They helped us to create 130...
Website created & released in April 2021 - all previous news sections have been archived
We Need Your Support Today!
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