9th July Sarah visited Harley Mae
Harley Mae is off school recovering after being unwell so Sarah took the opportunity to take around her box of goodies & spend some 121 time together.
Sarah’s box is full of sensory items, musical Instruments, books and colouring things.
Harley Mae really enjoyed the sensory bag with squares of different fabrics in, the noise stick and the drum were other favourites.
However Harley Mae was not interested in any books today, she literally closed them when sarah tried to read it and put it on the floor
Harley Mae went through the whole box pointing every time she wanted something different, although Harley Mae cannot tell you what she wants with words, she definitely knows her own mind & tells you what she wants in her own way.
The progress & change in Harley Mae has been incredible & and real privilege to watch her grow into her sassy self
